Learn Together
No cost. No appointment is necessary. Just drop-in!
Monday – Friday: 12-5PM in ICS2 Room 110 (starts Week 2)
Need help debugging? Having trouble understanding a concept? Need a place to study where help is readily available? Have a quick question?
Small Group Tutoring is provided by pedagogically-trained ICS undergraduates who have taken & excelled
in these same courses you’re currently taking.
Courses covered are:
- ICS 6B: Boolean Logic & Logic
- ICS 6D: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
- ICS 31: Introduction to Programming
- ICS 32: Programming with Software Libraries
- ICS 32A/H: Python Programming and Libraries (Accelerated/Honors)
- ICS 33: Intermediate Programming
- ICS 45C: Programming in C/C++ as a Second Language
- ICS 45J: Programming in Java as a Second Language
- ICS 46: Data Structure Implementation and Analysis
- ICS 51: Introduction to Computer Organization